Recent Articles

Monday 6 February 2023
This article was written in collaboration with Liese Barbier, Yannick Vandenplas , and Teresa Barcina Lacosta. After the expiry of patents and other market exclusivities of originator biological medicines, similar versions with proven equivalent clinical outcomes, i.e., biosimilars, are allowed to enter the market. Biosimilars receive marketing authorization based on a comprehensive comparability exercise, demonstrating high similarity in terms of efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity profile. 1,2 The robustness...
Tuesday 11 May 2021
This article was written in collaboration with Liese Barbier, Teresa Barcina Lacosta, and Yannick Vandenplas. Since the introduction of biosimilar medicines in the European market in 2006, biosimilars have made their mark in multiple therapeutic areas, including oncology, inflammation, hematology, and endocrinology (1). As of March 2021, the EMA has authorized over 65 biosimilar products and in the next 10 years, a considerable number of originator biologicals is expected to lose market exclusivity and be exposed...
Monday 6 January 2020
This article first appeared in the Info-BioSim e-newsletter produced by Panacee Conseil Inc., April 2018. With almost 40 biosimilars licensed over the past 12 years by the European Medicines Agency, it is safe to say the licensing pathway is well established. Hundreds of thousands of European patients are using biosimilars, and there has not been a single serious incident with any of them. Moreover, pharmacovigilance programs have shown that the risks involved in using biosimilars are no different than with the...

Highlights of our Work


ISPOR Latin America (2019)

One of our clients asked us to share the insights from Europe into biosimilar medicines with a Latin American audience at the Bógota conference of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research.

We developed a presentation that focused specifically on the challenges faced by Latin American healthcare systems, and how they can be overcome. The presentation was received very favourably by the audience, and our client was very happy with the result.

ISPOR Latin America (2019)

Latin America

The developing world especially needs access to good education on affordable medicines.


E-learning module 'Biosimilars: Accessible, Affordable Treatment' (2018)

In collaboration with ecancer we developed an e-learning module on the use of biosimilar medicines in oncology.

With this e-learning module, physicians and pharmacists can learn more about biosimilars and how they can be used in the treatment of cancer. The module is available online, free of charge for registered users of

This project embodies our values. We delivered a science-driven, high-impact product with great value to our client, while also benefiting society at large.

Visit the e-learning module
E-learning module 'Biosimilars: Accessible, Affordable Treatment' (2018)

E-learning module

The e-learning module uses videos, text, and interactive elements to engage the participant.


Jan Glerum Award (2012)

In 2012 Prof. Arnold G. Vulto received the Jan Glerum award, in recognition of his lifetime contribution to the field of hospital pharmacy.

Jan Glerum Award (2012)

Jan Glerum Award

Prof. Arnold G. Vulto receiving the Jan Glerum award.