VuPEC publications by Professor Arnold G. Vulto

Professor Arnold G. Vulto is a widely recognized expert on (hospital) pharmacy, pharmacology, and health care science and economics. During his long academic career he has published more than 300 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals. His work has been cited in over 5,000 publications. In addition, he is the editor of the authoritative book Biosimilars in Europe (2023). Below is a list of the journal articles published by Professor Vulto.

The consultancy and educational services offered by VuPEC have a strong basis in scientific research. If you are interested in learning more about one of Professor Vulto's publications through a training, seminar, or (keynote) speech, please contact us using the contact form.


Book: Biosimilars in Europe

  • Vulto, A.G., Simoens, S. & Huys, I. (eds.) (2023). Biosimilars in Europe. MDPI. (Open Access)


List of publications last updated: 31 December 2023

For a complete up to date list of Prof. Vulto's publications, please consult the Lirias repository of KU Leuven University.


  • Liang, Q, Vlaar, E.C., Pijnenburg, J.M., Rijkers, E., Demmers, J.A.A., Vulto, A.G., van der Ploeg, A.T., van Til, N.P., Pijnappel, W.W.M.P. (2023). Lentiviral gene therapy with IGF2-tagged GAA normalizes the skeletal muscle proteome in murine Pompe disease. JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS 291  (2024) 105037. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2023.105037

  • Vandenplas, Y., Simoens, S., Van Wilder, P., Vulto, A.G., Huys, I. with Vandenplas, Y. (corresp. author) (2023). The impact of policy interventions to promote the uptake of biosimilar medicines in Belgium: a nationwide interrupted time series analysis. HEALTH RESEARCH POLICY AND SYSTEMS, 21 (1), Art.No. ARTN 68. doi: 10.1186/s12961-023-01015-4 (Access via KU Leuven repository)

  • Car, E., Vulto, A.G., Van Houdenhoven, M., Huys, I., Simoens, S. with Car, E. (corresp. author) (2023). Biosimilar competition in European markets of TNF-alpha inhibitors: a comparative analysis of pricing, market share and utilization trends. FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY, 14, Art.No. ARTN 1151764. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1151764 (Access via KU Leuven repository)

  • van der Togt, C.J T., van den Bemt, B., Aletaha, D., Alten, R., Chatzidionysiou, K., Galloway, J., Isaac, J., Mulleman, D., Verschueren, P., Vulto, A.G., Welsing, P.M J., Verhoef, L., den Broeder, A.A. with van der Togt, C.J T. (corresp. author) (2023). Points to consider for cost-effective use of biological and targeted synthetic DMARDs in inflammatory rheumatic diseases: results from an umbrella review and international Delphi study. RMD OPEN, 9 (1), Art.No. ARTN e002898. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2022-002898 (Access via KU Leuven repository)

  • Barcina Lacosta, T., Vulto, A.G., Huys, I., Simoens, S. with Lacosta, T.B. (corresp. author) (2023). An exploration of biosimilar TNF-alpha inhibitors uptake determinants in hospital environments in Italy, Portugal, and Spain. FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE, 9, Art.No. ARTN 1029040. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.1029040 (Access via KU Leuven repository)


  • Barcina Lacosta, T., Vulto, A., Huys, I., Simoens, S. (2022). Evaluating the benefits of TNF-alfa inhibitor biosimilar competition on off-patent and on-patent drug markets: A Southern European analysis. Frontiers In Pharmacology, Art.No. 1031910. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.1031910 (Access via KU Leuven repository)

  • Liang, Q., Catalano, F., Vlaar, E.C., Pijnenburg, J.M., Stok, M., van Helsdingen, Y., Vulto, A.G., van der Ploeg, A.T., van Til, N.P., Pijnappel, W.W M P. with Pijnappel, W.W M P. (corresp. author) (2022). IGF2-tagging of GAA promotes full correction of murine Pompe disease at a clinically relevant dosage of lentiviral gene therapy. MOLECULAR THERAPY-METHODS & CLINICAL DEVELOPMENT, 27, 109-130.

  • Vandenplas, Y., Simoens, S., Van Wilder, P., Vulto, A.G., Turk, F., Huys, I. with Vandenplas, Y. (corresp. author) (2022). Determinants of prescribing decisions for off-patent biological medicines in Belgium: a qualitative study. BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, 22 (1), Art.No. ARTN 1211. doi: 10.1186/s12913-022-08591-1 (Access via KU Leuven repository)

  • Barbier, L., Vandenplas, Y., Boone, N., Huys, I., Janknegt, R., Vulto, A.G. (2022). How to select a best-value biological medicine? A practical model to support hospital pharmacists. Am J Health Syst Pharm. doi: 10.1093/ajhp/zxac235 (Open Access)

  • Vandenplas, Y., Simoens, S., Turk, F., Vulto, A., Huys, I. (2022). Applications of Behavioral Economics to Pharmaceutical Policymaking: A Scoping Review with Implications for Best-Value Biological Medicines. Applied Health Economics And Health Policy. doi: 10.1007/s40258-022-00751-y (Open Access)

  • Barbier, L., Simoens, S., Declerck, P., Vulto, A.G., Huys, I. with Barbier, L. (corresp. author), Simoens, S. (corresp. author) (2022). Biosimilar Use and Switching in Belgium: Avenues for Integrated Policymaking. FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY, 13, Art.No. ARTN 821616. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.821616 (Open Access)

  • Liang, Q., Vlaar, E.C., Catalano, F., Pijnenburg, J.M., Stok, M., van Helsdingen, Y., Vulto, A.G., Unger, W.W J., van der Ploeg, A.T., Pijnappel, W.W M P., van Til, N.P. with Pijnappel, W.W M P. (corresp. author) (2022). Lentiviral gene therapy prevents anti-human acid a-glucosidase antibody formation in murine Pompe disease. MOLECULAR THERAPY-METHODS & CLINICAL DEVELOPMENT, 25, 520-532. doi: 10.1016/j.omtm.2022.04.016

  • Vulto, A.G., Barbier, L. with Vulto, A.G. (corresp. author) (2022). When Will American Patients Start Benefitting From Biosimilars? MAYO CLINIC PROCEEDINGS, 97 (6), 1044-1047. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2022.04.013 (Open Access)

  • van Putten, E.H P., Kleijn, A., van Beusechem, V.W., Noske, D., Lamers, C.H J., de Goede, A.L., Idema, S., Hoefnagel, D., Kloezeman, J.J., Fueyo, J., Lang, F.F., Teunissen, C.E., Vernhout, R.M., Bakker, C., Gerritsen, W., Curiel, D.T., Vulto, A., Lamfers, M.L M., Dirven, C.M F. (2022). Convection Enhanced Delivery of the Oncolytic Adenovirus Delta24-RGD in Patients with Recurrent GBM: A Phase I Clinical Trial Including Correlative Studies. CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, 28 (8), 1572-1585. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-21-3324

  • Barcina Lacosta, T., Vulto, A.G., Turcu-Stiolica, A., Huys, I., Simoens, S. (2022). Qualitative Analysis of the Design and Implementation of Benefit-Sharing Programs for Biologics Across Europe. Biodrugs. doi: 10.1007/s40259-022-00523-z (Open Access)

  • Barbier, L., Mbuaki, A., Simoens, S., Declerck, P., Vulto, A.G., Huys, I. (2022). Regulatory Information and Guidance on Biosimilars and Their Use Across Europe: A Call for Strengthened One Voice Messaging. FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE, 9, Art.No. ARTN 820755. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.820755 (Open Access)

  • Vandenplas, Y., Barbier, L., Simoens, S., Van Wilder, P., Vulto, A., Huys, I. with Vandenplas, Y. (corresp. author) (2022). Perceptions About Biosimilar Medicines Among Belgian Patients in the Ambulatory Care. Frontiers In Pharmacology, 12, Art.No. 789640. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.789640 (Open Access)


  • Barbier, L., Vulto, A.G. (2021). Interchangeability of Biosimilars: Overcoming the Final Hurdles. DRUGS, 81 (16), 1897-1903. doi: 10.1007/s40265-021-01629-4 (Open Access)

  • van der Vossen, A., Buljac, S., Akcay, K., Brugma, J.D., Vulto, A., Hanff, L. (2021). Availability of age-appropriate paediatric formulations in the Netherlands: the need in daily clinical practice remains. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL PHARMACY, 28 (6), 306-312. doi: 10.1136/ejhpharm-2019-001977 (Open Access)

  • Barbier, L., Vandenplas, Y., Simoens, S., Declerck, P., Vulto, A.G., Huys, I. (2021). Knowledge and perception of biosimilars in ambulatory care: a survey among Belgian community pharmacists and physicians. JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL POLICY AND PRACTICE, 14 (1), Art.No. ARTN 53. doi: 10.1186/s40545-021-00330-x (Open Access)

  • Barbier, L., Simoens, S., Soontjens, C., Claus, B., Vulto, A.G., Huys, I. (2021). Off-Patent Biologicals and Biosimilars Tendering in Europe-A Proposal towards More Sustainable Practices. PHARMACEUTICALS, 14 (6), Art.No. ARTN 499. doi: 10.3390/ph14060499 (Open Access)

  • Simoens, S., Vulto, A.G., Dylst, P. (2021). Simulating Costs of Intravenous Biosimilar Trastuzumab vs. Subcutaneous Reference Trastuzumab in Adjuvant HER2-Positive Breast Cancer: A Belgian Case Study. PHARMACEUTICALS, 14 (5), Art.No. ARTN 450. doi: 10.3390/ph14050450 (Open Access)

  • Vandenplas, Y., Simoens, S., Van Wilder, P., Vulto, A., Huys, I. with Vandenplas, Y. (corresp. author) (2021). Off-Patent Biological and Biosimilar Medicines in Belgium: A Market Landscape Analysis. Frontiers In Pharmacology, 12, Art.No. 644187. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.644187 (Open Access)

  • Vandenplas, Y., Simoens, S., Vulto, A., Van Wilder, P., Huys, I. with Vandenplas, Y. (corresp. author) (2021). Informing Patients about Biosimilar Medicines: The Role of European Patient Associations. Pharmaceuticals, 14 (2). doi: 10.3390/ph14020117 (Open Access)

  • Moorkens, E., Godman, B., Huys, I., Hoxha, I., Malaj, A., Keuerleber, S., Stockinger, S., Mörtenhuber, S., Dimitrova, M., Tachkov, K., Voncˇina, L., Vlahovic´ Palcˇevski, V., Achniotou, G., Slabý, J., Popelková, L., Kohoutová, K., Bartels, D., Laius, O., Martikainen, J.E., Selke, G.W., Kourafalos, V., Magnússon, E., Einarsdóttir, R., Adams, R., Joppi, R., Allocati, E., Jakupi, A., Viksna, A., Greicˇiute˙ -Kuprijanov, I., Vella Bonanno, P., Suttorp, V., Melien, Ø., Plisko, R., Mardare, I., Meshkov, D., Novakovic, T., Fürst, J., Zara, C., Markovic -Pekovic´, V., Grubisˇa, N., Befrits, G., Puckett, R., Vulto, A. (2021). The Expiry of Humira® Market Exclusivity and the Entry of Adalimumab Biosimilars in Europe: An Overview of Pricing and National Policy Measures. Frontiers In Pharmacology, 1-17. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2020.591134 (Open Access)

  • Simoens, S., Vulto, A.G. (2021). A health economic guide to market access of biosimilars. EXPERT OPINION ON BIOLOGICAL THERAPY, 21 (1), 9-17. doi: 10.1080/14712598.2021.1849132 (Open Access)


  • Moorkens, E., Vulto, A., Kent, J., McClure, L., Boldero, R., Vanhove, T., Simoens, S., Huys, I. with Simoens, S. (joint last author), Huys, I. (joint last author) (2020). A Look at the History of Biosimilar Adoption: Characteristics of Early and Late Adopters of Infliximab and Etanercept Biosimilars in Subregions of England, Scotland and Wales - A Mixed Methods Study. Biodrugs. doi: 10.1007/s40259-020-00456-5 (Open Access)

  • Barbier, L., Simoens, S., Vulto, A.G., Huys, I. (2020). European Stakeholder Learnings Regarding Biosimilars: Part I-Improving Biosimilar Understanding and Adoption. BioDrugs. doi: 10.1007/s40259-020-00452-9

  • Barbier, L., Simoens, S., Vulto, A.G., Huys, I. (2020). European Stakeholder Learnings Regarding Biosimilars: Part II-Improving Biosimilar Use in Clinical Practice. BIODRUGS. doi: 10.1007/s40259-020-00440-z

  • Moorkens, E., barcina, T., Vulto, A., Schulz, M., Gradl, G., Enners, S., Selke, G., Huys, I., Simoens, S. with Moorkens, E. (joint first author), Barcina, T. (joint first author), Huys, I. (joint last author), Simoens, S. (joint last author) (2020). Learnings from Regional Market Dynamics of Originator and Biosimilar Infliximab and Etanercept in Germany. Pharmaceuticals, 13 (10), Art.No. 324, 1-20. doi: 10.3390/ph13100324 (Open Access)

  • Alsamil, A.M., Giezen, T.J., Egberts, T.C., Leufkens, H.G., Vulto, A.G., van der Plas, M.R., Gardarsdottir, H. (2020). Reporting of quality attributes in scientific publications presenting biosimilarity assessments of (intended) biosimilars: a systematic literature review. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, 154, Art.No. ARTN 105501. doi: 10.1016/j.ejps.2020.105501

  • Moorkens, E., Vandenplas, Y., barcina, T., Barbier, L., Vulto, A. with Moorkens, E. (joint first author), Vandenplas, Y. (joint first author) (2020). Biosimilars in oncology - Part I: The principles of biosimilars. Belgian Journal of Medical Oncology, 14 (6), 280-285.

  • Barbier, L., barcina, T., Moorkens, E., Vandenplas, Y., Vulto, A. with Barbier, L. (joint first author), Barcina, T. (joint first author) (2020). Biosimilars in Oncology – Part II: Considerations about the clinical use of oncology biosimilars. Belgian Journal of Medical Oncology, 14 (6), 286-292.

  • Moorkens, E., Vulto, A., Huys, I. (2020). Biosimilars in Belgium: a proposal for a more competitive market. Acta Clinica Belgica, 1-12. doi: 10.1080/17843286.2020.1761690 (Open Access)

  • Van der Vossen, A.C., Cransberg, K., de Winter, B.C M., Schreuder, M.F., van Rooij-Kouwenhoven, R.W G., Vulto, A.G., Hanff, L.M. (2020). Use of amlodipine oral solution for the treatment of hypertension in children. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACY, 42 (3), 848-852. doi: 10.1007/s11096-020-01000-9

  • Barbier, L., Ebbers, H.C., Declerck, P., Simoens, S., Vulto, A.G., Huys, I. (2020). The Efficacy, Safety, and Immunogenicity of Switching Between Reference Biopharmaceuticals and Biosimilars: A Systematic Review. CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. doi: 10.1002/cpt.1836 (Open Access)

  • Moorkens, E., Vulto, A., Huys, I. (2020). An overview of patents on therapeutic monoclonal antibodies in Europe: are they a hurdle to biosimilar market entry? Mabs, 12 (1), Art.No. 1743517, 1-15. doi: 10.1080/19420862.2020.1743517 (Open Access)

  • Cornes, P., Gascon, P., Vulto, A.G., Aapro, M. (2020). Biosimilar Pegfilgrastim: Improving Access and Optimising Practice to Supportive Care that Enables Cure. BIODRUGS, 34 (3), 255-263. doi: 10.1007/s40259-020-00411-4

  • Moorkens, E., Broux, H., Huys, I., Vulto, A., Simoens, S. (2020). Economic evaluation of biosimilars for reimbursement purposes – what, when, how? Journal of Market Access & Health Policy, 8 (1), Art.No. 1739509, 1-4. doi: 10.1080/20016689.2020.1739509 (Open Access)

  • Zaal, R.J., den Haak, E.W., Andrinopoulou, E.R., van Gelder, T., Vulto, A.G., van den Bemt, P.M L A. (2020). Physicians' acceptance of pharmacists' interventions in daily hospital practice. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACY, 42 (1), 141-149. doi: 10.1007/s11096-020-00970-0


  • Dutta, B., Huys, I., Vulto, A.G., Simoens, S. (2019). Identifying Key Benefits in European Off-Patent Biologics and Biosimilar Markets: It is Not Only About Price! BIODRUGS, 34 (2), 159-170. doi: 10.1007/s40259-019-00395-w (Open Access)

  • Vulto, A.G. (2019). Biologicals and Biosimilars in Hematology: The Case of Rituximab. HEMASPHERE, 3 (6), Art.No. ARTN e322. doi: 10.1097/HS9.0000000000000322

  • Vulto, A.G. (2019). Delivering on the Promise of Biosimilars. BIODRUGS, 33 (6), 599-602. doi: 10.1007/s40259-019-00388-9 (Open Access)

  • Van der Vossen, A. C., Hanff, L. M., Vulto, A. G., & Fotaki, N. (2019). Potential prediction of formulation performance in paediatric patients using biopharmaceutical tools and simulation of clinically relevant administration scenarios of nifedipine and lorazepam. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, 85(8), 1728-1739. doi: 10.1111/bcp.13956

  • van der Vossen, A. C., Al-Hassany, L., Buljac, S., Brugma, J. -D., Vulto, A. G., & Hanff, L. M. (2019). Manipulation of oral medication for children by parents and nurses occurs frequently and is often not supported by instructions. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 108(8), 1475-1481. doi: 10.1111/apa.14718

  • Barbier, L., Declerck, P., Simoens, S., Neven, P., Vulto, A. G., & Huys, I. (2019). The arrival of biosimilar monoclonal antibodies in oncology: clinical studies for trastuzumab biosimilars. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER, 121(3), 199-210. doi: 10.1038/s41416-019-0480-z

  • Rathore, A. S., Vulto, A. G., Stevenson, J. G., & Shah, V. P. (2019). Challenges with Successful Commercialization of Biosimilars. BIOPHARM INTERNATIONAL, 32(5), 22-+. Retrieved from

  • Moorkens, E., Simoens, S., Troein, P., Declerck, P., Vulto, A., & Huys, I. (2019). Different Policy Measures and Practices between Swedish Counties Influence Market Dynamics: Part 2—Biosimilar and Originator Etanercept in the Outpatient Setting. BIODRUGS. doi: 10.1007/s40259-019-00346-5

  • Moorkens, E., Simoens, S., Troein, P., Declerck, P., Vulto, A., & Huys, I. (2019). Different Policy Measures and Practices between Swedish Counties Influence Market Dynamics: Part 1—Biosimilar and Originator Infliximab in the Hospital Setting. BIODRUGS. doi: 10.1007/s40259-019-00345-6

  • de Ridder, L., Assa, A., Bronsky, J., Romano, C., Russell, R. K., Afzal, N. A., . . . Dias, J. A. (2019). Use of Biosimilars in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease: An Updated Position Statement of the Pediatric IBD Porto Group of ESPGHAN. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY AND NUTRITION, 68(1), 144-153. doi: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000002141


  • Moorkens, E., Simoens, S., Declerck, P., Vulto, A., & Huys, I. (2018). BIOSIMILAR AND ORIGINATOR INFLIXIMAB: INFLUENCE OF LOCAL POLICY MEASURES AND PRACTICES ON MARKET DYNAMICS BETWEEN SWEDISH COUNTIES. In VALUE IN HEALTH (Vol. 21, pp. S299). Barcelona: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2018.09.1783

  • Moorkens, E., Simoens, S., Declerck, P., Vulto, A., & Huys, I. (2018). BIOSIMILAR AND ORIGINATOR ETANERCEPT: INFLUENCE OF LOCAL POLICY MEASURES AND PRACTICES ON MARKET DYNAMICS BETWEEN SWEDISH COUNTIES. In VALUE IN HEALTH (Vol. 21, pp. S299). Barcelona: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2018.09.1784

  • Moorkens, E., Vulto, A., & Huys, I. (2018). Biosimilars ∙ Regulatory Frameworks for Marketing Authorisation of Biosimilars: Where Do We Go From Here?. European Pharmaceutical Law Review, 2(3), 149-154. doi: 10.21552/eplr/2018/3/6

  • Kristensen, L. E., Alten, R., Puig, L., Philipp, S., Kvien, T. K., Mangues, M. A., . . . Vulto, A. G. (2018). Non-pharmacological Effects in Switching Medication: The Nocebo Effect in Switching from Originator to Biosimilar Agent. BIODRUGS, 32(5), 397-404. doi: 10.1007/s40259-018-0306-1

  • Franken, A., Rosmalen, K., & Vulto, A. (2018). Apply biosimilars without restraint. Huisarts en Wetenschap, 61(5), 48-50. doi: 10.1007/s12445-018-0119-y

  • Barbier, L., Simoens, S., Declerck, P., Vulto, A., & Huys, I. (2018). Patientenonderzoek naar overstappen van biologische referentiegeneesmiddelen naar biosimilars: wat leren we van trials en registries. In Dutch National Biosimilar Symposium . Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

  • Aerts, J. G. J. V., de Goeje, P. L., Cornelissen, R., Kaijen-Lambers, M. E. H., Bezemer, K., van der Leest, C. H., . . . Hoogsteden, H. C. (2018). Autologous Dendritic Cells Pulsed with Allogeneic Tumor Cell Lysate in Mesothelioma: From Mouse to Human. CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, 24(4), 766-776. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-2522


  • Moorkens, E., Vulto, A. G., Huys, I., Dylst, P., Godman, B., Keuerleber, S., . . . Simoens, S. (2017). Policies for biosimilar uptake in Europe: an overview. PLoS One , 12(12).

  • Jongsma, M. M. E., Vulto, A., & de Ridder, L. (2017). The use of biosimilars in paediatric inflammatory bowel disease. CURRENT OPINION IN PEDIATRICS, 29(5), 560-565. doi: 10.1097/MOP.0000000000000529

  • Barbier, L., Simoens, S., Declerck, P., Vulto, A., & Huys, I. (2017). The arrival of therapeutic biosimilars in oncology: the case of trastuzumab. In ISPOR 20th Annual European Congress (Vol. 20, Iss. 9). Glasgow: Value in Health. doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2017.08.350

  • Barbier, L., Simoens, S., Declerck, P., Vulto, A., & Huys, I. (2017). The Arrival Of Therapeutic Biosimilars In Oncology The Case Of Trastuzumab. In VALUE IN HEALTH Vol. 20 (pp. A460). Glasgow, Scotland, UK: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2017.08.350

  • Barbier, L., Declerck, P., Simoens, S., Vulto, A., & Huys, I. (2017). Het klinische onderzoek met trastuzumab biosimilars: hoe belangrijk zijn de verschillen?. In Invitational meeting IBN Biosimilars Nederland. Utrecht, the Netherlands.

  • Jurczak, W., Vulto, A. G., Amersdorffer, J., Kim, W. S., & Coiffier, B. (2017). Research on Biosimilars: pivotal trials and principles. LANCET HAEMATOLOGY, 4(9), E409-E410. doi: 10.1016/S2352-3026(17)30152-7

  • Vulto, A. G., & Jaquez, O. A. (2017). The process defines the product: what really matters in biosimilar design and production?. RHEUMATOLOGY, 56, 14-29. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kex278

  • van der Vossen, A. C., van der Velde, I., Smeets, O. S. N. M., Postma, D. J., Eckhardt, M., Vermes, A., . . . Hanff, L. M. (2017). Formulating a poorly water soluble drug into an oral solution suitable for paediatric patients; lorazepam as a model drug. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, 100, 205-210. doi: 10.1016/j.ejps.2017.01.025

  • Simoens, S., van Harten, W., Lopes, G., Vulto, A., Meier, K., & Wilking, N. (2017). What happens when the cost of cancer care becomes unsustainable?. European Oncology & Haematology , 13(2), 108-113.

  • Moorkens, E., Meuwissen, N., Huys, I., Declerck, P., Vulto, A. G., & Simoens, S. (2017). The Market of Biopharmaceutical Medicines: A Snapshot of a Diverse Industrial Landscape. Frontiers in Pharmacology , 8. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2017.00314

  • Lopes, G., Vulto, A., Wilking, N., van Harten, W., Meier, K., & Simoens, S. (2017). Potential solutions for sustaining the costs of cancer drugs. European Oncology & Haematology , 13(2), 102-107.

  • Venkatesan, S., Lamfers, M., Leenstra, S., & Vulto, A. G. (2017). Overview of the patent expiry of (non-)tyrosine kinase inhibitors approved for clinical use in the EU and the US. GABI JOURNAL-GENERICS AND BIOSIMILARS INITIATIVE JOURNAL, 6(2), 89-96. doi: 10.5639/gabij.2017.0602.016

  • Wilking, N., Lopes, G., Meier, K., Simoens, S., van Harten, W., & Vulto, A. (2017). Can we continue to afford access to cancer treatment?. European Oncology & Haematology , 13(2), 114-119.

  • Vulto, A. G. (2017). Biosimilar registered, despite counter vote in Europe: Greater uncertainty about authorized medicines in the Netherlands. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 161(18), D888.

  • Kanters, T. A., Stevanovic, J., Huys, I., Vulto, A. G., & Simoens, S. (2017). Adoption of Biosimilar Infliximab for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases in the EU5: A Budget Impact Analysis Using a Delphi Panel. Frontiers in Pharmacology , 8(322).

  • Vulto, A. G. (2017). [Biosimilar registered despite the Netherlands opposing vote: greater uncertainty about authorised drugs in the Netherlands].. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd, 161, D1556. Retrieved from


  • van der Vossen, A. C., van der Velde, I., Smeets, O. S. N. M., Postma, D. J., Vermes, A., Koch, B. C. P., . . . Hanff, L. M. (2016). Design and stability study of an oral solution of amlodipine besylate for pediatric patients. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, 92, 220-223. doi: 10.1016/j.ejps.2016.05.019

  • Vasbinder, E. C., Goossens, L. M. A., Rutten-van Molken, M. P. M. H., de Winter, B. C. M., van Dijk, L., Vulto, A. G., . . . van den Bemt, P. M. L. A. (2016). e-Monitoring of Asthma Therapy to Improve Compliance in children (e-MATIC): a randomised controlled trial75. EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL, 48(3), 758-767. doi: 10.1183/13993003.01698-2015

  • Moorkens, E., Jonker-Exler, C., Huys, I., Declerck, P., Simoens, S., & Vulto, A. G. (2016). Overcoming Barriers to the Market Access of Biosimilars in the European Union: The Case of Biosimilar Monoclonal Antibodies. FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY, 7, 9 pages. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2016.00193

  • Ekman, N., Vulto, A. G., & Cornes, P. (2016). Reducing healthcare costs and building trust in biosimilar medicines. GABI JOURNAL-GENERICS AND BIOSIMILARS INITIATIVE JOURNAL, 5(2), 84-88. Retrieved from

  • Vasbinder, E. C., Belitser, S. V., Souverein, P. C., van Dijk, L., Vulto, A. G., & van den Bemt, P. M. L. A. (2016). Non-adherence to inhaled corticosteroids and the risk of asthma exacerbations in children. PATIENT PREFERENCE AND ADHERENCE, 10, 531-538. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S92824

  • Moorkens, E., Meuwissen, N., Huys, I., Vulto, A., Declerck, P., & Simoens, S. (2016). Market Uptake Models of Biosimilars and Off-Patent Biological Medicines. In Value in Health (Vol. 19, Iss. 7). Vienna, Austria: Blackwell Pub..

  • van der Vossen, A. C., van der Velde, I., van den Meiracker, A. H., van der Nagel, B. C. H., Koch, B. C. P., Vulto, A. G., & Hanff, L. M. (2016). Bioequivalence study of a newly developed oral solution of amlodipine and commercial tablets after single-dose administration in healthy volunteers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS, 54(1), 65-72. doi: 10.5414/CP202449

  • Dreijer, A. R., Kruip, M. J. H. A., Diepstraten, J., Polinder, S., Brouwer, R., Leebeek, F. W. G., . . . van den Bemt, P. M. L. A. (2016). Antithrombotic stewardship: a multidisciplinary team approach towards improving antithrombotic therapy outcomes during and after hospitalisation: a study protocol. BMJ OPEN, 6(12), 9 pages. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011537



  • Liang, Q., van Helsdingen, Y., van der Velden, G., Stok, M., Jacobs, E., Duncker, D., . . . Wagemaker, G. (2014). Lentiviral stem cell gene therapy for Pompe disease. In HUMAN GENE THERAPY (Vol. 25, Iss. 11, pp. A62-A63). The Hague, NETHERLANDS: MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC. Retrieved from

  • Dylst, P., Vulto, A., & Simoens, S. (2014). Does increased use of generic medicines by elders in Belgium help to contain escalating health care budgets?. Journal of Aging & Social Policy , 26(3), 266-280.

  • Dylst, P., Vulto, A., & Simoens, S. (2014). Barriers to the uptake of biosimilars and possible solutions: a Belgian case study. Pharmacoeconomics , 32(7), 681-691.

  • Dylst, P., Vulto, A., & Simoens, S. (2014). Analysis of European policy towards generic medicines. GaBI - Generics and Biosimilars Initiative Journal , 3(1), 34-35.

  • Dylst, P., Vulto, A., & Simoens, S. (2014). Analysis of Spanish generic medicines retail market: recommendations to enhance long-term sustainability. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research , 14(3), 345-353.

  • Vulto, A. G. (2014). Distrust against generic biotech agents is unfounded. Biosimilars: Good for the patient and the care budget. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 149(1-2), 30-32.

  • Vulto, A. G. (2014). Biosimilars: Good for the patient and the care budget. Distrust against generic biotech agents is unfounded. Pharmaceutische Weekblad Wetenschappelijk Platform, 149(1-2).

  • Dylst, P., Vulto, A., & Simoens, S. (2014). Analysis of French generic medicines retail market: why the use of generic medicines is limited. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research , 14(6), 795-803.


  • De Goede, A. L., Boers, P. H. M., Dekker, L. J. M., Vulto, A. G., Osterhaus, A. D. M. E., Rimmelzwaan, G. F., & Gruters, R. A. (2013). Recombinant influenza virus as a vector for HIV antigens. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 148(46), 143-146.

  • Shah, V. P., Vulto, A. G., & Muhlebach, S. (2013). Workshop on the challenges in substitution of nonbiological complex drugs. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH-SYSTEM PHARMACY, 70(21), 1879-1880. doi: 10.2146/ajhp130141

  • Dylst, P., Vulto, A., & Simoens, S. (2013). Analysis of Spanish generic medicines market: recommendations to enhance long-term sustainability. In Value in Health (Vol. 16, Iss. 7). Dublin, Ireland: Blackwell Pub..

  • Zaal, R. J., Lindemans, A. D., Boedhram, R. R., Doormaal, J. E., Kosterink, J. G. W., Haaijer-Ruskamp, F. M., . . . Mol, P. G. M. (2013). Number of Biochemical Tests as a Trigger for Adverse Drug Events. In PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY AND DRUG SAFETY (Vol. 22, pp. 109). WILEY-BLACKWELL. Retrieved from

  • Boone, N., van der Kuy, H., Scott, M., Mairs, J., Kraemer, I., Vulto, A., & Janknegt, R. (2013). How to select a biosimilar. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL PHARMACY-SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, 20(5), 275-286. doi: 10.1136/ejhpharm-2013-000370

  • Dylst, P., Vulto, A., Godman, B., & Simoens, S. (2013). Generic Medicines: Solutions for a Sustainable Drug Market?. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy , 11(5), 437-43.

  • Lindemans, A. D., van Blijderveen, N. J. C., Kruip, M. J. H. A., Sturkenboom, M. C. J. M., Vulto, A. G., Vergouwe, Y., & van den Bemt, P. M. L. A. (2013). Development of a Clinical Prediction Model for an INR >= 4.5 in Hospitalized Patients Treated with Vitamin K Antagonists. In PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY AND DRUG SAFETY (Vol. 22, pp. 258). WILEY-BLACKWELL. Retrieved from

  • van der Vries, E., Stittelaar, K. J., van Amerongen, G., Kroeze, E. J. B. V., de Waal, L., Fraaij, P. L. A., . . . Osterhaus, A. D. M. E. (2013). Prolonged Influenza Virus Shedding and Emergence of Antiviral Resistance in Immunocompromised Patients and Ferrets. PLOS PATHOGENS, 9(5), 11 pages. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003343

  • Lamers, C. H. J., van Elzakker, P., van Steenbergen, S. C. L., Luider, B. A., Groot, C., van Krimpen, B. A., . . . Gratama, J. W. (2013). Long-term stability of T-cell activation and transduction components critical to the processing of clinical batches of gene-engineered T cells. CYTOTHERAPY, 15(5), 620-626. doi: 10.1016/j.jcyt.2012.12.006

  • Lamers, C. H. J., Sleijfer, S., van Steenbergen, S., van Elzakker, P., van Krimpen, B., Groot, C., . . . Gratama, J. W. (2013). Treatment of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma With CAIX CAR-engineered T cells: Clinical Evaluation and Management of On-target Toxicity. MOLECULAR THERAPY, 21(4), 904-912. doi: 10.1038/mt.2013.17

  • Vasbinder, E. C., Janssens, H. M., Rutten-van Molken, M. P. M. H., van Dijk, L., de Winter, B. C. M., de Groot, R. C. A., . . . van den Bemt, P. M. L. A. (2013). e-Monitoring of Asthma Therapy to Improve Compliance in children using a real-time medication monitoring system (RTMM): the e-MATIC study protocol. BMC MEDICAL INFORMATICS AND DECISION MAKING, 13, 10 pages. doi: 10.1186/1472-6947-13-38

  • Dylst, P., Vulto, A., & Simoens, S. (2013). Demand-side policies to encourage the use of generic medicines: an overview. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research , 13(1), 59-72.

  • Vulto, A. G., Fenton-May, V., Honoré, P. H., Ambrogi, N., Hecq, J. D., Herranz, A., . . . Vigneron, J. (2013). The European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice offers a high-quality, peer-reviewed platform for the publication of practical and innovative research and aims to strengthen the profile and professional status of European hospital pharmacists. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 20(1), 1. doi: 10.1136/ejhpharm-2012-000267

  • Muhlebach, S., Vulto, A., de Vlieger, J. S., Weinstein, V., Fluhmann, B., & Shah, V. P. (2013). The authorization of non-biological complex drugs (NBCDs) follow-on versions: specific regulatory and interchangeability rules ahead?. GABI JOURNAL-GENERICS AND BIOSIMILARS INITIATIVE JOURNAL, 2(4), 204-+. doi: 10.5639/gabij.2013.0204.054


  • Ebbers, H. C., Crow, S. A., Vulto, A. G., & Schellekens, H. (2012). Interchangeability, immunogenicity and biosimilars. NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY, 30(12), 1186-1190. doi: 10.1038/nbt.2438

  • Dylst, P., Vulto, A., & Simoens, S. (2012). Should pharmacist remuneration systems in Europe be reformed in order to increase generic medicine dispensing?. In Value in Health (Vol. 15, Iss. 7). Berlin, Germany: Blackwell Pub..

  • Vulto, A. G. (2012). Effective, safe and efficient. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL PHARMACY-SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, 19(5), 425-426. doi: 10.1136/ejhpharm-2012-000219

  • Dylst, P., Vulto, A., & Simoens, S. (2012). Reference pricing systems in Europe: characteristics and consequences. GaBI - Generics and Biosimilars Initiative Journal, 1(3), 127-131. doi: 10.5639/gabij.2012.0103-4.028

  • Vulto, A. G. (2012). Clinical trials on trial. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL PHARMACY-SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, 19(4), 347. doi: 10.1136/ejhpharm-2012-000180

  • Vulto, A. G. (2012). Resolution in patient data. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL PHARMACY-SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, 19(3), 275-U117. doi: 10.1136/ejhpharm-2012-000144

  • Bardin, C., Astier, A., Vulto, A., Sewell, G., Vigneron, J., Trittler, R., . . . Pinguet, F. (2012). Guidelines for the practical stability studies of anticancer drugs: a European consensus conference. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL PHARMACY-SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, 19(3), 278-285. doi: 10.1136/ejhpharm-2012-000112

  • Dylst, P., Vulto, A., & Simoens, S. (2012). Savings through the increased use of generic medicines by elderly: the Belgian case. In Value in Health (Vol. 15, Iss. 4). Washington, DC: Blackwell Pub..

  • Vulto, A. G. (2012). Special patients, specialised care. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL PHARMACY-SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, 19(2), 65-66. doi: 10.1136/ejhpharm-2011-000086

  • Dylst, P., Vulto, A., & Simoens, S. (2012). How can pharmacist remuneration systems in Europe contribute to generic medicine dispensing?. Pharmacy Practice , 10(1), 3-8.

  • Vulto, A. G., & Crow, S. A. (2012). Risk management of biosimilars in oncology: each medicine is a work in progress. TARGETED ONCOLOGY, 7, S43-S49. doi: 10.1007/s11523-011-0188-3

  • Dylst, P., Vulto, A., & Simoens, S. (2012). Overcoming challenges in market access of generic medicines in the European Union. Journal of Generic Medicines , 9(1), 21-28.

  • Vulto, A. G. (2012). A new chapter. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL PHARMACY-SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, 19(1), 1. doi: 10.1136/ejhpharm-2012-000083

  • Gonesh-Kisoensingh, S. U., Baan, J., Bos, M. M. E. M., Van Der Pol, W. S. C. J. M., Meijer, E., Langendijk, P. N. J., & Vulto, A. G. (2012). Capecitabine-induced toxicity: An outcome study. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 147(3), 15-18.

  • Vulto, A. G., Fenton-May, V., Honoré, P. H., Ambrogi, N., Hecq, J. D., Herranz, A., . . . Vigneron, J. (2012). The European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice offers a high-quality, peer-reviewed platform for the publication of practical and innovative research and aims to strengthen the profile and professional status of European hospital pharmacists. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 19(5), 1.

  • Vulto, A. G., Fenton-May, V., Honoré, P. H., Ambrogi, N., Hecq, J. D., Herranz, A., . . . Vigneron, J. (2012). The European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice offers a high-quality, peer-reviewed platform for the publication of practical and innovative research and aims to strengthen the profile and professional status of European hospital pharmacists. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 19(4), 1.

  • Vulto, A. G., Fenton-May, V., Honoré, P. H., Ambrogi, N., Hecq, J. D., Herranz, A., . . . Vigneron, J. (2012). The European journal of hospital pharmacy: Science and practice offers a high-quality, peer-reviewed platform for the publication of practical and innovative research and aims to strengthen the profile and professional status of European hospital pharmacists. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 19(6), 1.

  • Grandia, L., & Vulto, A. G. (2012). Generics substitution in primary care: summary of the Dutch community pharmacies guidelines. GABI JOURNAL-GENERICS AND BIOSIMILARS INITIATIVE JOURNAL, 1(2), 102-103. Retrieved from

  • Vulto, A. G., & Uppell, K. (2012). 17th EAHP congress in Milan: Special patient groups - hospital pharmacists creating standards for care. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 19(3), 306-308. doi: 10.1136/ejhpharm-2012-000140



2009 and Earlier

  • Lammers, L. A., Mathijssen, R. H. J., van Gelder, T., Bijl, M. J., de Graan, A. -J. M., Seynaeve, C., . . . van Schaik, R. H. (2009). Influence of CYP2D6 phenotype on tamoxifen-treatment outcome in women with metastatic breast cancer. In MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPEUTICS (Vol. 8, Iss. 12, pp. 3 pages). AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.TARG-09-C118

  • van der Sijs, H., Lammers, L., van den Tweel, A., Aarts, J., Berg, M., Vulto, A., & van Gelder, T. (2009). Time-dependent Drug-Drug Interaction Alerts in Care Provider Order Entry: Software May Inhibit Medication Error Reductions. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATION, 16(6), 864-868. doi: 10.1197/jamia.M2810

  • Bijl, M. J., van Schaik, R. H. N., Lammers, L. A., Hofman, A., Vulto, A. G., van Gelder, T., . . . Visser, L. E. (2009). The CYP2D6*4 polymorphism affects breast cancer survival in tamoxifen users. BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT, 118(1), 125-130. doi: 10.1007/s10549-008-0272-2

  • Vulto, A. G. (2009). Editorial: Uncertainty around new cancer treatments. EJHP Practice, 15(4), 9.

  • Sombogaard, F., Peeters, A. M. A., Baan, C. C., Mathot, R. A. A., Quaedackers, M. E., Vulto, A. G., . . . van Gelder, T. (2009). Inosine Monophosphate Dehydrogenase Messenger RNA Expression Is Correlated to Clinical Outcomes in Mycophenolate Mofetil-Treated Kidney Transplant Patients, Whereas Inosine Monophosphate Dehydrogenase Activity Is Not. THERAPEUTIC DRUG MONITORING, 31(5), 549-556. doi: 10.1097/FTD.0b013e3181b7a9d0

  • van der Sijs, H., Mulder, A., van Gelder, T., Aarts, J., Berg, M., & Vulto, A. (2009). Drug safety alert generation and overriding in a large Dutch university medical centre. PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY AND DRUG SAFETY, 18(10), 941-947. doi: 10.1002/pds.1800

  • Vulto, A. G. (2009). Editorial: The promise of Basel. EJHP Practice, 15(2), 9.

  • van der Sijs, H., Kowlesar, R., Aarts, J., Berg, M., Vulto, A., & van Gelder, T. (2009). Unintended consequences of reducing QT-alert overload in a computerized physician order entry system. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, 65(9), 919-925. doi: 10.1007/s00228-009-0654-3

  • Kwadijk-de Gijsel, S., Bijl, M. J., Visser, L. E., van Schaik, R. H. N., Hofman, A., Vulto, A. G., . . . Stricker, B. H. C. (2009). Variation in the CYP2D6 gene is associated with a lower serum sodium concentration in patients on antidepressants. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, 68(2), 221-225. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2009.03448.x

  • Bijl, M. J., Visser, L. E., van Schaik, R. H. N., Eijgelsheim, M., Hofman, A., Uitterlinden, A. G., . . . Stricker, B. H. C. (2009). The Influence of CYP2D6, CYP3A4/3A5 and UGT2B7 Genetic Polymorphisms on Prescription of Other Analgesics in Codeine Users. In PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY AND DRUG SAFETY (Vol. 18, pp. S105). JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD. Retrieved from

  • Sombogaard, F., van Schaik, R. H. N., Mathot, R. A., Budde, K., van der Werf, M., Vulto, A. G., . . . van Gelder, T. (2009). Interpatient variability in IMPDH activity in MMF-treated renal transplant patients is correlated with IMPDH type II 3757T > C polymorphism. PHARMACOGENETICS AND GENOMICS, 19(8), 626-634. doi: 10.1097/FPC.0b013e32832f5f1b

  • Glander, P., Sombogaard, F., Budde, K., van Gelder, T., Hambach, P., Liefeldt, L., . . . Mai, M. (2009). Improved Assay for the Nonradioactive Determination of Inosine 5 '-Monophosphate Dehydrogenase Activity in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells. THERAPEUTIC DRUG MONITORING, 31(3), 351-359. doi: 10.1097/FTD.0b013e31819c3f3d

  • Bijl, M. J., Luijendijk, H. J., van den Berg, J. F., Visser, L. E., van Schaik, R. H. N., Hofman, A., . . . Stricker, B. H. (2009). Association between the CYP2D6*4 polymorphism and depression or anxiety in the elderly. PHARMACOGENOMICS, 10(4), 541-547. doi: 10.2217/PGS.09.9

  • Vermeulen, L. C., Vulto, A. G., & Zellmer, W. A. (2009). Editorial: The promise of Basel. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH-SYSTEM PHARMACY, 66(5), S7. doi: 10.2146/ajhp080690

  • van der Sijs, H., Kowlesar, R., Klootwijk, A. P. J., Nelwan, S. P., Vulto, A. G., & van Gelder, T. (2009). Clinically relevant QTc prolongation due to overridden drug-drug interaction alerts: a retrospective cohort study. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, 67(3), 347-354. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2008.03357.x

  • Vulto, A. G. (2009). Uncertainty around new cancer treatments. EJHP PRACTICE, 15(4), 9. Retrieved from

  • Vulto, A. G. (2009). Unaffordable for our patients. EJHP PRACTICE, 15(5), 9. Retrieved from

  • Murphy, J. E., Jorgensen, F., & Vulto, A. G. (2009). Top learning opportunity for clinical pharmacists: joint ACCP/ESCP meeting 2009. EJHP PRACTICE, 15(4), 59. Retrieved from

  • Vulto, A. G. (2009). The price of life. EJHP PRACTICE, 15(1), 9. Retrieved from

  • Vulto, A. G. (2009). Precision medicine. EJHP PRACTICE, 15(3), 9. Retrieved from

  • van Hest, R. M., van Gelder, T., Vulto, A. G., Shaw, L. M., & Mathot, R. A. A. (2009). Pharmacokinetic Modelling of the Plasma Protein Binding of Mycophenolic Acid in Renal Transplant Recipients. CLINICAL PHARMACOKINETICS, 48(7), 463-476. doi: 10.2165/11312600-000000000-00000

  • Vulto, A. G. (2009). New influenza A(H1N1) vaccination. EJHP PRACTICE, 15(6), 9. Retrieved from

  • Rutten, F. F. H., Uyl-de Groot, C. A., & Vulto, A. G. (2009). Innovative payment systems for medicines in Europe. EJHP PRACTICE, 15(3), 60-62. Retrieved from

  • Bijl, M. J., Visser, L. E., van Schaik, R. H. N., Kors, J. A., Witteman, J. C. M., Hofman, A., . . . Stricker, B. H. C. (2009). Genetic Variation in the CYP2D6 Gene Is Associated With a Lower Heart Rate and Blood Pressure in beta-Blocker Users. CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS, 85(1), 45-50. doi: 10.1038/clpt.2008.172

  • Van Hest, R. M., Mathot, R. A. A., Pescovitz, M. D., Gordon, R., Mamelok, R. D., Van Gelder, T., & Vulto, A. G. (2008). Explaining variability in mycophenolic acid exposure to optimize mycophenolate mofetil dosing: A population pharmacokinetic meta-analysis of mycophenolic acid in renal transplant recipients. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 143(47), 208-211.

  • van der Sijs, H., Aarts, J., van Gelder, T., Berg, M., & Vulto, A. (2008). Turning off frequently overridden drug alerts: Limited opportunities for doing it safely. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATION, 15(4), 439-448. doi: 10.1197/jamia.M2311

  • Dijkstra, T., Reesink, J. A., Verdouw, B. C., Van Der Pol, W. S. C. J. M., Feberwee, T., & Vulto, A. G. (2008). Spinal anaesthesia with articaine 5% versus bupivacaine 0.5% for day-case lower limb surgery. Pharmaceutische Weekblad Wetenschappelijk Platform, 2(6), 140-143.

  • Schenk, P. W., van Fessem, M. A. C., Rij, S. V. -V., Mathot, R. A. A., van Gelder, T., Vulto, A. G., . . . van Schaik, R. H. N. (2008). Association of graded allele-specific changes in CYP2D6 function with imipramine dose requirement in a large group of depressed patients. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY, 13(6), 597-605. doi: 10.1038/

  • Rijnders, B. J., Cornelissen, J. J., Slobbe, L., Becker, M. J., Doorduijn, J. K., Hop, W. C. J., . . . de Marie, S. (2008). Aerosolized liposomal amphotericin B for the prevention of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis during prolonged neutropenia: A randomized, placebo-controlled trial. CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 46(9), 1401-1408. doi: 10.1086/586739

  • Hooymans, C. D. M., Cransberg, K., Van Rossum, L. K., Vulto, A. G., Aarnoutse, R. E., Cornelissen, E. A. M., & Mathôt, R. A. A. (2008). Development of a population pharmacokinetic model for ciclosporin in children with a renal transplant. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 143(16), 90-93.

  • Bijl, M. J., Visser, L. E., Hofman, A., Vulto, A. G., van Gelder, T., Stricker, B. H. C., & van Schaik, R. H. N. (2008). Influence of the CYP2D6*4 polymorphism on dose, switching and discontinuation of antidepressants. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, 65(4), 558-564. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2007.03052.x

  • Vulto, A. G. (2008). Think global, act local. EJHP PRACTICE, 14(5), 9. Retrieved from

  • Vulto, A. G. (2008). The year that was. EJHP PRACTICE, 14(6), 9. Retrieved from

  • Vulto, A. G., Visser, L. E., & Kernkamp, H. (2008). The Dutch hospital pharmacist: The legal position beyond specialisation. EJHP PRACTICE, 14(1), 46-47. Retrieved from

  • Vulto, A. G. (2008). Sustainability. EJHP PRACTICE, 14(3), 9. Retrieved from

  • Dijkstra, T., Reesink, J. A., Verdouw, B. C., Van der Pol, W. S. C. J. M., Feberwee, T., & Vulto, A. G. (2008). Spinal anaesthesia with articaine 5% vs bupivacaine 0.5% for day-case lower limb surgery: a double-blind randomized clinical trial. BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA, 100(1), 104-108. doi: 10.1093/bja/aem332

  • Kraemer, I., Tredree, R., & Vulto, A. G. (2008). Points to consider in the evaluation of biopharmaceuticals. EJHP PRACTICE, 14(1), 73-76. Retrieved from

  • Rutten, F. F. H., & Vulto, A. G. (2008). Pharmacoeconomics: science, practice and challenges. EJHP PRACTICE, 14(3), 16. Retrieved from

  • Vulto, A. G. (2008). Perceptions of the hospital pharmacist in oncology care. EJHP PRACTICE, 14(4), 56-59. Retrieved from

  • Vulto, A. G. (2008). How can you afford NOT to hire a pharmacist ..... EJHP PRACTICE, 14(2), 9. Retrieved from

  • Vulto, A. G. (2008). Collaboration. EJHP PRACTICE, 14(4), 9. Retrieved from

  • Vulto, A. G. (2008). Achievements. EJHP PRACTICE, 14(1), 9. Retrieved from

  • Vulto, A. G., Stoner, N., Balasova, H., Cercos, A. -C., Hoppe-Tichy, T., Genestar, J. L. V., . . . Wolfsberger, A. (2007). Guidance for handling of gene medicines in the hospital pharmacy developed by the European association of hospital pharmacists. In HUMAN GENE THERAPY (Vol. 18, Iss. 10, pp. 947-948). Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS: MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC. Retrieved from

  • van Hest, R. M., van Gelder, T., Vulto, A. G., Shaw, L. M., & Mathot, R. A. (2007). Should the mycophenolate mofetil dose be based on total or unbound mycopenolic acid exposure when renal function is impaired or when albumin levels are low?. In THERAPEUTIC DRUG MONITORING (Vol. 29, Iss. 4, pp. 471). Nice, FRANCE: LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. Retrieved from

  • van Hest, R. M., Doorduijn, J. K., de Winter, B. C. M., Comelissen, J. J., Vulto, A. G., Oellerich, M., . . . Mathot, R. A. A. (2007). Pharmacokinetics of mycophenolate mofetil in stem cell transplant recipients. In THERAPEUTIC DRUG MONITORING (Vol. 29, Iss. 4, pp. 471). Nice, FRANCE: LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. Retrieved from

  • Bijl, M. J., Visser, L. E., van Schaik, R. H. N., Vulto, A. G., van Gelder, T., & Stricker, B. H. C. (2007). Influence of CYP2D6 polymorphism on dose and switching of antidepressants. In PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY AND DRUG SAFETY (Vol. 16, pp. S25). JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD. Retrieved from

  • van Hest, R. M., Doorduijn, J. K., de Winter, B. C. M., Cornelissen, J. J., Vulto, A. G., Oellerieh, M., . . . van Gelder, T. (2007). Pharmacokinetics of mycophenolate mofetil in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. THERAPEUTIC DRUG MONITORING, 29(3), 353-360. doi: 10.1097/FTD.0b013e31805d8816

  • Janssen, P. J. J. M., de Visser, M., Verwijnen, S. M., Bernard, B. F., Srinivasan, A., Erion, J. L., . . . de Jong, M. (2007). Five stabilized (111)in-labeled neurotensin analogs in nude mice bearing HT29 tumors. CANCER BIOTHERAPY AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS, 22(3), 374-381. doi: 10.1089/cbr.2007.369

  • van Hest, R. M., van Gelder, T., Vulto, A. G., Shaw, L. L., & Mathot, R. A. (2007). Should the mycophenolate mofetil dose be based on total or unbound MPA exposure when renal function is impaired or when albumin levels are low?. In AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION (Vol. 7, pp. 439). San Francisco, CA: BLACKWELL PUBLISHING. Retrieved from

  • Bartels, P. A., Hanff, L. M., Mathot, R. A. A., Steegers, E. A. P., Vulto, A. G., & Visser, W. (2007). Nicardipine in pre-eclamptic patients: placental transfer and disposition in breast milk. BJOG-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY, 114(2), 230-233. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2006.01200.x

  • Hanff, L. M., Gupta, S., MaassenVanDenBrink, A., Steegers, E. A. P., Saxena, P. R., Vulto, A. G., & Visser, W. (2007). The effect of maternal ketanserin treatment on foetal 5-HT receptor function in umbilical cord artery of pre-eclamptic patients. NEONATOLOGY, 92(4), 240-247. doi: 10.1159/000103742

  • van den Meiracker, A. H., Baggen, R. G. A., Pauli, S., Lindemans, A., Vulto, A. G., Poldermans, D., & Boomsma, F. (2006). Spironolactone in type 2 diabetic nephropathy: effects on proteinuria, blood pressure and renal function. JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION, 24(11), 2285-2292. doi: 10.1097/01.hjh.0000249708.44016.5c

  • Liem, T. B. Y., Filius, P. M. G., Schouten, J. A., Natsch, S., Akkermans, R. P., Verbrugh, H. A., & Vulto, A. G. (2006). Determinants of quantitative antibiotic use in Dutch hospitals: Large difference between hospitals. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 141(37), 1171-1174.

  • Brugma, J. C., Witjes, B. C. M., Reuser, A. J. J., Van Der Ploeg, A. T., & Vulto, A. G. (2006). Drug profile: Alglucosidase alfa (Myozyme). Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 141(36), 1128-1131.

  • Hanff, L. M., Visser, W., Roofthooft, D. W. E., Vermes, A., Hop, W. C. J., Steegers, E. A. P., & Vulto, A. G. (2006). Insufficient efficacy of intravenous ketanserin in severe early-onset pre-eclampsia. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS GYNECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY, 128(1-2), 199-203. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2005.11.032

  • Gupta, S., Hanff, L. M., Visser, W., Steegers, E. A. P., Saxena, P. R., Vulto, A. G., & MaassenVanDenBrinka, A. (2006). Functional reactivity of 5-HT receptors in human umbilical cord and maternal subcutaneous fat arteries after normotensive or pre-eclamptic pregnancy. JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION, 24(7), 1345-1353. doi: 10.1097/01.hjh.0000234115.40648.88

  • Van Rossum, L. K., Mathôt, R. A. A., & Vulto, A. G. (2006). Optimization of the inulin single injection method. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 141(20), 690-695.

  • Lamers, C. H. J., Sleijfer, S., Vulto, A. G., Kruit, W. H. J., Kliffen, M., Debets, R., . . . Oosterwijk, E. (2006). Treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma with autologous T-lymphocytes genetically retargeted against carbonic anhydrase IX: first clinical experience.. J Clin Oncol, 24(13), e20-e22. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2006.05.9964

  • van Rossum, L. K., Zietse, R., Vulto, A. G., & de Rijke, Y. B. (2006). Renal extraction of cystatin C vs 125I-iothalamate in hypertensive patients.. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 21(5), 1253-1256. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfk083

  • Hanff, L. M., Visser, W., Vulto, A. G., & Steegers, E. A. P. (2006). Pharmacological management of severe pre-eclampsia. European Clinics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2(1), 9-17. doi: 10.1007/s11296-005-0013-6

  • Ruijgrok, E. J., Fens, M. H. A. M., Bakker-Woudenberg, I. A. J. M., van Etten, E. W. M., & Vulto, A. G. (2006). Nebulized amphotericin B combined with intravenous amphotericin B in rats with severe invasive pulmonary aspergillosis.. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 50(5), 1852-1854. doi: 10.1128/AAC.50.5.1852-1854.2006

  • Van der Sijs, H., Aarts, J., Vulto, A., & Berg, M. (2006). Overriding of drug safety alerts in computerized physician order entry. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATION, 13(2), 138-147. doi: 10.1197/jamia.M1809

  • van Hest, R. M., Hesselink, D. A., Vulto, A. G., Mathot, R. A. A., & van Gelder, T. (2006). Individualization of mycophenolate mofetil dose in renal transplant recipients.. Expert Opin Pharmacother, 7(4), 361-376. doi: 10.1517/14656566.7.4.361

  • van Hest, R. M., Mathot, R. A., Vulto, A. G., Ijzermans, J. N., & van Gelder, T. (2006). Within-patient variability of mycophenolic acid exposure: therapeutic drug monitoring from a clinical point of view.. Ther Drug Monit, 28(1), 31-34. Retrieved from

  • Claassen, B., Adam, S., Van Ooij, B., Vulto, A. G., Klein, J., & Mathôt, R. A. A. (2006). Comparison of propofol 1% formulations during anesthesia induction. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 141(3), 87-90.

  • Hanff, L. M., Vulto, A. G., Bartels, P. A., Roofthooft, D. W. E., Bijvank, B. N., Steegers, E. A. P., & Visser, W. (2005). Intravenous use of the calcium-channel blocker nicardipine as second-line treatment in severe, early-onset pre-eclamptic patients.. J Hypertens, 23(12), 2319-2326. doi: 10.1097/01.hjh.0000188729.73807.16

  • Rossum, L., Mathot, R., Cransberg, K., Zietse, R., & Vulto, A. (2005). Estimation of the glomerular filtration rate in children: which algorithm should be used?. PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY, 20(12), 1769-1775. doi: 10.1007/s00467-005-2001-y

  • Hanff, L. M., Visser, W., Steegers, E. A. P., & Vulto, A. G. (2005). Population pharmacokinetics of ketanserin in pre-eclamptic patients and its association with antihypertensive response.. Fundam Clin Pharmacol, 19(5), 585-590. doi: 10.1111/j.1472-8206.2005.00354.x

  • Orlent, H., Mathot, R. A., Van Bommel, E. F., Vulto, A. G., Schalm, S. W., & Brouwer, J. T. (2005). Peginterferon and dose-titrated ribavirin for hepatitis C-associated nephrotic membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis type 1.. Dig Dis Sci, 50(10), 1804-1806. doi: 10.1007/s10620-005-2941-x

  • Ruijgrok, E. J., Fens, M. H. A., Bakker-Woudenberg, I. A. J. M., van Etten, E. W. M., & Vulto, A. G. (2005). Nebulization of four commercially available amphotericin B formulations in persistently granulocytopenic rats with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis: evidence for long-term biological activity.. J Pharm Pharmacol, 57(10), 1289-1295. doi: 10.1211/jpp.57.10.0007

  • Van Rossum, L. K., Cransberg, K., Mathot, R. A. A., & Vulto, A. G. (2005). Determination of the glomerular filtration rate in children by the inulin single injection method. Tijdschrift voor Kindergeneeskunde, 73(5), 170-175.

  • Liem, T. B. Y., Filius, F. M. G., van der Linden, P. D., Janknegt, R., Natsch, S., & Vulto, A. G. (2005). Changes in antibiotic use in Dutch hospitals over a six-year period: 1997 to 2002.. Neth J Med, 63(9), 354-360. Retrieved from

  • Bartels, P. A., Hanff, L. M., Mathot, R. A. A., Dieleman, H. C., Vulto, A. G., Visser, W., & Steegers, E. A. P. (2005). Use of intravenous nicarpidine in the treatment of preeclampsia: Possible consequences for the fetus and the infant. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 140(37), 1149-1152.

  • Birkenhäger, T. K., van den Broek, W. W., Moleman, P., Vulto, A. G., & Bruijn, J. A. (2005). Imipramine dose in relation to therapeutic plasma level: are clinical trials using imipramine as a positive control flawed?. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 181(3), 595-599. doi: 10.1007/s00213-005-0098-0

  • Van Haga-Lakhi, S. A., Vulto, A. G., Van Der Pol, W. S. C. J. M., & Van Der Schaaf, T. W. (2005). Error message system in the hospital pharmacy of the RDGG in Delft. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 140(28-29), 921-924.

  • Filius, P. M. G., Gyssens, I. C., Kershof, I. M., Roovers, P. J. E., Ott, A., Vulto, A. G., . . . Endtz, H. P. (2005). Colonization and resistance dynamics of gram-negative bacteria in patients during and after hospitalization.. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 49(7), 2879-2886. doi: 10.1128/AAC.49.7.2879-2886.2005

  • van Rossum, L. K., Cransberg, K., de Rijke, Y. B., Zietse, R., Lindemans, J., & Vulto, A. G. (2005). Determination of inulin clearance by single injection or infusion in children. PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY, 20(6), 777-781. doi: 10.1007/s00467-004-1782-8

  • Visser, L. E., van Schaik, R. H. N., van Vliet, M., Trienekens, P. H., De Smet, P. A. G. M., Vulto, A. G., . . . Stricker, B. H. C. (2005). Allelic variants of cytochrome P450 2C9 modify the interaction between nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and coumarin anticoagulants.. Clin Pharmacol Ther, 77(6), 479-485. doi: 10.1016/j.clpt.2005.02.009

  • Filius, P. M. G., Liem, T. B. Y., van der Linden, P. D., Janknegt, R., Natsch, S., Vulto, A. G., & Verbrugh, H. A. (2005). An additional measure for quantifying antibiotic use in hospitals.. J Antimicrob Chemother, 55(5), 805-808. doi: 10.1093/jac/dki093

  • van Hest, R., Mathot, R., Vulto, A., Weimar, W., & van Gelder, T. (2005). Predicting the usefulness of therapeutic drug monitoring of mycophenolic acid - A computer simulation. THERAPEUTIC DRUG MONITORING, 27(2), 163-167. doi: 10.1097/01.ftd.0000158083.45954.97

  • Visser, L. E., Trienekens, P. H., De Smet, P. A. G. M., Vulto, A. G., Hofman, A., van Duijn, C. M., & Stricker, B. H. C. (2005). Patients with an ApoE epsilon4 allele require lower doses of coumarin anticoagulants.. Pharmacogenet Genomics, 15(2), 69-74. Retrieved from

  • van Hest, R. M., van Gelder, T., Vulto, A. G., & Mathot, R. A. A. (2005). Population pharmacokinetics of mycophenolic acid in renal transplant recipients.. Clin Pharmacokinet, 44(10), 1083-1096. doi: 10.2165/00003088-200544100-00006

  • van Hest, R. M., Mathôt, R. A. A., Vulto, A. G., Le Meur, Y., & van Gelder, T. (2004). Mycophenolic acid in diabetic renal transplant recipients: pharmacokinetics and application of a limited sampling strategy.. Ther Drug Monit, 26(6), 620-625. Retrieved from

  • Visser, L. E., Bleumink, G. S., Trienekens, P. H., Vulto, A. G., Hofman, A., & Stricker, B. H. C. (2004). The risk of overanticoagulation in patients with heart failure on coumarin anticoagulants.. Br J Haematol, 127(1), 85-89. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2141.2004.05162.x

  • Hanff, L. M., Visser, W., Roofthooft, D. W. E., Bulsink, M. J. E., Vermes, A., Steegers, E. A. P., & Vulto, A. G. (2004). Ketanserin in pre-eclamptic patients: transplacental transmission and disposition in neonates.. BJOG, 111(8), 863-866. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2004.00180.x

  • Visser, L. E., van Schaik, R. H. N., van Vliet, M., Trienekens, P. H., De Smet, P. A. G. M., Vulto, A. G., . . . Stricker, B. H. C. (2004). The risk of bleeding complications in patients with cytochrome P450 CYP2C9*2 or CYP2C9*3 alleles on acenocoumarol or phenprocoumon.. Thromb Haemost, 92(1), 61-66. doi: 10.1160/TH03-12-0741

  • Van den Hout, J. M. P., Kamphoven, J. H. J., Winkel, L. P. F., Arts, W. F. M., De Klerk, J. B. C., Loonen, M. C. B., . . . Van der Ploeg, A. T. (2004). Long term intravenous treatment of Pompe disease with recombinant human alpha-glucosidase from milk. PEDIATRICS, 113(5), E448-E457. doi: 10.1542/peds.113.5.e448

  • Engels, F. K., Ten Tije, A. J., Baker, S. D., Lee, C. K. K., Loos, W. J., Vulto, A. G., . . . Sparreboom, A. (2004). Effect of cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibition on the pharmacokinetics of docetaxel.. Clin Pharmacol Ther, 75(5), 448-454. doi: 10.1016/j.clpt.2004.01.001

  • Visser, L. E., Penning-van Beest, F. J. A., Wilson, J. H. P., Vulto, A. G., Kasbergen, A. A. H., De Smet, P. A. G. M., . . . Stricker, B. H. C. (2004). Overanticoagulation associated with combined use of lactulose and acenocoumarol or phenprocoumon.. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 57(4), 522-524. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2125.2003.02036.x

  • Winkel, L. P. F., Van den Hout, J. M. P., Kamphoven, J. H. J., Disseldorp, J. A. M., Remmerswaal, M., Arts, W. F. M., . . . Van der Ploeg, A. T. (2004). Enzyme replacement therapy in late-onset Pompe's disease: a three-year follow-up.. Ann Neurol, 55(4), 495-502. doi: 10.1002/ana.20019

  • Visser, L. E., van Vliet, M., van Schaik, R. H. N., Kasbergen, A. A. H., De Smet, P. A. G. M., Vulto, A. G., . . . Stricker, B. H. C. (2004). The risk of overanticoagulation in patients with cytochrome P450 CYP2C9*2 or CYP2C9*3 alleles on acenocoumarol or phenprocoumon.. Pharmacogenetics, 14(1), 27-33. Retrieved from

  • Yassen, A., Hanff, L. M., & Vulto, A. G. (2003). Simultaneous quantitative analysis of ketanserin and ketanserinol in plasma by RP-HPLC with fluorescence detection.. Biomed Chromatogr, 17(8), 517-521. doi: 10.1002/bmc.265

  • Engels, F. K., Ten Tije, A. J., Mathôt, R. A. A., Vulto, A. G., Verweij, J., & Sparreboom, A. (2003). The effect of ketoconazole on the pharmacokinetics of docetaxel. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 138(47), 1642-1645.

  • Vos, M. C., de Haas, P. E. W., Verbrugh, H. A., Renders, N. H. M., Hartwig, N. G., de Man, P., . . . van Soolingen, D. (2003). Nosocomial Mycobacterium bovis-bacille Calmette-Guerin infections due to contamination of chemotherapeutics: Case finding and route of transmission. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 188(9), 1332-1335. doi: 10.1086/379034

  • Filius, P. M. G., van Netten, D., Roovers, P. J. E., Vulto, A. G., Gyssens, I. C., Verbrugh, H. A., & Endtz, H. P. (2003). Comparative evaluation of three chromogenic agars for detection and rapid identification of aerobic Gram-negative bacteria in the normal intestinal microflora.. Clin Microbiol Infect, 9(9), 912-918. Retrieved from

  • van Rossum, L. K., Mathot, R. A. A., Cransberg, K., & Vulto, A. G. (2003). Optimal sampling strategies to assess inulin clearance in children by the inulin single-injection method.. Clin Chem, 49(7), 1170-1179. Retrieved from

  • Opdam, F. L., Van den Hazel, S. J., Metselaar, H. J., & Vulto, A. G. (2003). Clinical case: Amanita intoxication. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 138(21), 739-745.

  • Vermes, A., Roelofsen, E. E., Sabadi, G., van den Berg, B., de Quelerij, M., & Vulto, A. G. (2003). Intoxication with therapeutic and illicit drug substances and hospital admission to a Dutch university hospital.. Neth J Med, 61(5), 168-172. Retrieved from

  • Vermes, A., Warris, C., Geerlings, C. J. C., & Vulto, A. G. (2003). Development and validation of an easy HPLC assay for the analysis of phenytoin capsules. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 138(16), 564-570.

  • De Vries, F., Vermes, A., & Vulto, A. G. (2003). Drug profile: Fomepizole (Opi®). Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 138(1), 37-41.

  • Wolters, L. M. M., Geerlings, C. J. C., van Dijk, L., Niesters, H. G. M., Vulto, A. G., & de Man, R. A. (2003). Lamivudine plasma levels in chronic hepatitis B patients.. Neth J Med, 61(1), 9-13. Retrieved from

  • Visser, L. E., Penning-van Bees, F. J. A., Kasbergen, A. A. H., De Smet, P. A. G. M., Vulto, A. G., Hofman, A., & Stricker, B. H. C. (2002). Overanticoagulation associated with combined use of antibacterial drugs and acenocoumarol or phenprocoumon anticoagulants.. Thromb Haemost, 88(5), 705-710. Retrieved from

  • van Raaij, T. M., Visser, L. E., Vulto, A. G., & Verhaar, J. A. N. (2002). Acute renal failure after local gentamicin treatment in an infected total knee arthroplasty.. J Arthroplasty, 17(7), 948-950. Retrieved from

  • Vermes, A., Van Gelder, T., & Vulto, A. G. (2002). The goal is not yet in sight. Chronic rejection after transplantation. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 137(38), 1352-1357.

  • Vermes, A., Van Gelder, T., & Vulto, A. G. (2002). Duration of life of donor organs still a problem. New immunosuppressive agents for transplantations. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 137(29), 1030-1034.

  • Rademaker, C. M. A., Hanff, L. M., De Wildt, S. N., Van den Anker, J. N., Vulto, A. G., & Schobben, A. F. A. M. (2002). Differences from adults and sources of information. Correct dosing of medicines for children. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 137(27), 945-949.

  • Visser, L. E., Penning-van Beest, F. J. A., Kasbergen, A. A. H., De Smet, P. A. G. M., Vulto, A. G., Hofman, A., & Stricker, B. H. C. (2002). Overanticoagulation associated with combined use of antifungal agents and coumarin anticoagulants.. Clin Pharmacol Ther, 71(6), 496-502. doi: 10.1067/mcp.2002.124470

  • van Rossum, A. M. C., Geelen, S. P. M., Hartwig, N. G., Wolfs, T. F. W., Weemaes, C. M. R., Scherpbier, H. J., . . . de Groot, R. (2002). Results of 2 years of treatment with protease-inhibitor--containing antiretroviral therapy in dutch children infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1.. Clin Infect Dis, 34(7), 1008-1016. doi: 10.1086/339443

  • Vermes, A., Smak Gregoor, P. J. H., Metselaar, H. J., & Vulto, A. G. (2002). Drug profile: Sirolimus (Rapamune®). Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 137(12), 428-433.

  • Vulto, A. G., & Pluim, M. A. L. (2002). Clinical gene therapy: Genes by prescription?. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde, 127(2), 52-56.

  • Vulto, A. G., Van Den Hout, H., Reuser, A., & Van Der Ploeg, A. T. (2001). Successful treatment of infantile Pompe's disease with recombinant human alpha-glucosidase from rabbit milk: Results after 72 weeks treatment. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 69(2).

  • Vulto, A. G., Yassen, A., Hanff, L. M., Van Den Anker, J., & Visser, W. (2001). Placental transfer of IV ketanserin used for severe pre-eclampsia. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 69(2).

  • van Rossum, A. M., Scherpbier, H. J., van Lochem, E. G., Pakker, N. G., Slieker, W. A., Wolthers, K. C., . . . Dutch Study Group for Children with HIV Infections. (2001). Therapeutic immune reconstitution in HIV-1-infected children is independent of their age and pretreatment immune status.. AIDS, 15(17), 2267-2275. doi: 10.1097/00002030-200111230-00008

  • Geerlings, C. J. C., Wolters, L. M. M., De Man, R. A., Van Dijk, L., & Vulto, A. G. (2001). The varying response investigated. Lamivudine monotherapy in hepatitis B patients. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 136(46), 1728-1731.

  • 't Jong, G. W., Vulto, A. G., de Hoog, M., Schimmel, K. J., Tibboel, D., & van den Anker, J. N. (2001). A survey of the use of off-label and unlicensed drugs in a Dutch children's hospital.. Pediatrics, 108(5), 1089-1093. doi: 10.1542/peds.108.5.1089

  • Vulto, A. G. (2001). Innovation is challenging and exciting, but has its drawback. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 136(38), 1402-1403.

  • van Rossum, T. G., Vulto, A. G., Hop, W. C., & Schalm, S. W. (2001). Glycyrrhizin-induced reduction of ALT in European patients with chronic hepatitis C.. Am J Gastroenterol, 96(8), 2432-2437. doi: 10.1111/j.1572-0241.2001.04049.x

  • Ruijgrok, E. J., Vulto, A. G., & Van Etten, E. W. (2001). Efficacy of aerosolized amphotericin B desoxycholate and liposomal amphotericin B in the treatment of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in severely immunocompromised rats.. J Antimicrob Chemother, 48(1), 89-95. doi: 10.1093/jac/48.1.89

  • de Wildt, S. N., Kerkvliet, K. T., Wezenberg, M. G., Ottink, S., Hop, W. C., Vulto, A. G., & van Den Anker, J. N. (2001). Use of saliva in therapeutic drug monitoring of caffeine in preterm infants.. Ther Drug Monit, 23(3), 250-254. Retrieved from

  • Burger, D. M., van Rossum, A. M., Hugen, P. W., Suur, M. H., Hartwig, N. G., Geelen, S. P., . . . Dutch Study Group for Children with HIV-1 Infection. (2001). Pharmacokinetics of the protease inhibitor indinavir in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected children.. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 45(3), 701-705. doi: 10.1128/AAC.45.3.701-705.2001

  • Wolters, L. M. M., Geerlings, C. J. C., Vulto, A. G., & De Man, R. A. (2000). Two steps on a long road. Epidemiology and therapy of chronic hepatitis B. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 135(41), 1530-1534.

  • 't Jong, G. W., Vulto, A. G., de Hoog, M., Schimmel, K. J., Tibboel, D., & van den Anker, J. N. (2000). Unapproved and off-label use of drugs in a children's hospital.. N Engl J Med, 343(15), 1125. doi: 10.1056/NEJM200010123431515

  • Van Hout, H. D., Reuser, A. J. J., Vulto, A. G., Christa B Loonen, M., Cromme-Dijkhuis, A., & Van Der Ploeg, A. T. (2000). Recombinant human α-glucosidase from rabbit milk in Pompe patients. Lancet, 356(9227), 397-398.

  • Ruijgrok, E. J., Vulto, A. G., & Van Etten, E. W. (2000). Aerosol delivery of amphotericin B desoxycholate (Fungizone) and liposomal amphotericin B (AmBisome): aerosol characteristics and in-vivo amphotericin B deposition in rats.. J Pharm Pharmacol, 52(6), 619-627. doi: 10.1211/0022357001774417

  • Kerkvliet, C. T. M., Wezenberg, M. G. A., De Wildt, S. N., Ottink, S., Hop, W. C. J., Van Den Anker, J. N., & Vulto, A. G. (1999). Guidance of caffeine treatment in preterm neonates. Determination in saliva as an alternative to plasma determination. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 134(42), 1451-1453.

  • Wafelman, A. R., Wilms, E. B., & Vulto, A. G. (1999). Hospital pharmacists break new ground: Gene therapy. In Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Vol. 134 (pp. 1169-1170).

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  • Pluim, M. A., Wegener, J. T., Rupreht, J., & Vulto, A. G. (1999). Tramadol suppositories are less suitable for post-operative pain relief than rectal acetaminophen/codeine.. Eur J Anaesthesiol, 16(7), 473-478. Retrieved from

  • Peters, J. W. B., Vulto, A. G., Grobee, R., & Meursing, A. E. E. (1999). Postoperative pain management in children following (adeno)tonsillectomy. Efficacy, pharmacokinetics and tolerability of paracetamol and diclofenac. Clinical Drug Investigation, 17(4), 309-319. doi: 10.2165/00044011-199917040-00007

  • Vulto, A. G. (1999). New treatment of hepatitis C. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 134(14), 477.

  • Ruijgrok, E. J., Vulto, A. G., & Van Etten, E. W. M. (1999). Sterically stabilized liposomes containing gentamicin: Limitations to gentamicin encapsulation. Journal of Liposome Research, 9(2), 291-300. doi: 10.3109/08982109909024791

  • Van Rossum, T. G. J., Vulto, A. G., Hop, W. C. J., & Schalm, S. W. (1999). Pharmacokinetics of intravenous glycyrrhizin after single and multiple doses in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection. Clinical Therapeutics, 21(12), 2080-2090. doi: 10.1016/S0149-2918(00)87239-2

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  • Tasche, M. J. A., Brinkhorst, G., & Vulto, A. G. (1998). Which administration form for inhalation therapy in children?. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 133(10), 428-432.

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  • Ensink, J. M., Klein, W. R., Barneveld, A., Vulto, A. G., Van Miert, A. S., & Tukker, J. J. (1996). Distribution of penicillins into subcutaneous tissue chambers in ponies.. J Vet Pharmacol Ther, 19(6), 439-444. Retrieved from

  • Ensink, J. M., Klein, W. R., Barneveld, A., Vulto, A. G., & Van Miert, A. S. (1996). Clinical efficacy of ampicillin, pivampicillin and procaine penicillin G in a soft tissue infection model in ponies.. J Vet Pharmacol Ther, 19(6), 445-453. Retrieved from

  • van Duijkeren, E., Sloet van Oldruitenborgh-Oosterbaan, M. M., Breukink, H. J., Vulto, A. G., & van Miert, A. S. (1996). A survey of horses with acute diarrhoea: diagnosis, assessment of the prognosis, and comparison of two antibiotic therapies.. Vet Q, 18(4), 153-156. doi: 10.1080/01652176.1996.9694639

  • Groen, K., Mevius, D. J., Pereboom-De-Fauw, D. P., DeNeeling, A. J., & Vulto, A. G. (1996). Bioequivalence study in calves of three commercial penicillin/dihydrostreptomycin fixed combination products for intramuscular injection.. J Vet Pharmacol Ther, 19(5), 370-375. Retrieved from

  • Ensink, J. M., Vulto, A. G., van Miert, A. S., Tukker, J. J., Winkel, M. B., & Fluitman, M. A. (1996). Oral bioavailability and in vitro stability of pivampicillin, bacampicillin, talampicillin, and ampicillin in horses.. Am J Vet Res, 57(7), 1021-1024. Retrieved from

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  • Pellicaan, C. H., Hilarius, D. L., Mesu, S. J., Vulto, A. G., & Pijpers, A. (1996). [Pharmaceutical quality of amoxicillin-containing tablets for veterinary use].. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd, 121(5), 126-130. Retrieved from

  • Vulto, A. G. (1996). Conversion from cyclosporin to azathioprine after kidney transplantation both safe and economical in the long term. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 131(15), 435-436.

  • Ensink, J. M., Moi, A., Vulto, A. G., & Tukker, J. J. (1996). Bioavailability of pivampicillin and ampicillin trihydrate administered as an oral paste in horses.. Vet Q, 18 Suppl 2, S117-S120. Retrieved from

  • Groen, K., Pereboom-De Fauw, D. P. K. H., Van Veen-Rutgers, A., Vulto, A. G., & De Neeling, A. J. (1996). Bioavailability in the rabbit of penicillin and dihydrostreptomycin from three commercial penicillin/aminoglycoside fixed combination products for intramuscular injection. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 19(5), 364-369. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2885.1996.tb00065.x

  • van Duijkeren, E., Sloet van Oldruitenborgh-Oosterbaan, M. M., Vulto, A. G., Kessels, B. G., van Miert, A. S., & Breukink, H. J. (1995). Pharmacokinetics and therapeutic potential for repeated oral doses of trimethoprim/sulphachlorpyridazine in horses.. Vet Rec, 137(19), 483-486. doi: 10.1136/vr.137.19.483

  • van Duijkeren, E., van Klingeren, B., Vulto, A. G., Sloet van Oldruitenborgh-Oosterbaan, M. M., Breukink, H. J., & van Miert, A. S. (1995). In vitro susceptibility to antimicrobial drugs of 62 Salmonella strains isolated from horses in The Netherlands.. Vet Microbiol, 45(1), 19-26. Retrieved from

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  • Ensink, J. M., Barneveld, A., Klein, W. R., van Miert, A. S., & Vulto, A. G. (1994). Oral bioavailability of pivampicillin in foals at different ages.. Vet Q, 16 Suppl 2, S113-S116. Retrieved from

  • van den Bogaard, A. E., Breeuwsma, A. J., Julicher, C. H., Mostert, A., Nieuwenhuijs, J. H., Vaarkamp, H., . . . Vulto, A. (1994). [Guidelines for veterinary use of antibiotics: recommendations of a work group. Beleidsgroep Veterinaire Apotheek, Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Diergeneeskunde].. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd, 119(6), 160-183. Retrieved from

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  • Zwijnenberg, R. J., Vulto, A. G., van Miert, A. S., & Lumeij, J. T. (1992). Evaluation of antibiotics for racing pigeons (Columba livia var. domestica) available in The Netherlands.. J Vet Pharmacol Ther, 15(4), 364-378. Retrieved from

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  • Ensink, J. M., Klein, W. R., Mevius, D. J., Klarenbeek, A., & Vulto, A. G. (1992). Bioavailability of oral penicillins in the horse: a comparison of pivampicillin and amoxicillin.. J Vet Pharmacol Ther, 15(3), 221-230. Retrieved from

  • Vulto, A. G., & Janknegt, R. (1991). [Developments in the veterinary use of antibiotics. Report of the scientific meeting VHI/RIVM, Friday 31 May 1991 (Veterinary Chief Inspection/National Institute of Veterinary Medicine)].. In Tijdschr Diergeneeskd Vol. 116 (pp. 1133-1138). Netherlands. Retrieved from

  • Kadir, F., Zuidema, J., Pijpers, A., Vulto, A., & Verheijden, J. H. (1991). The role of drug lipophilicity in release from intra-adipose and intramuscular injection sites.. Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet, Spec No 3, 146-149. Retrieved from

  • Vulto, A. G., & Janknegt, R. (1991). Developments in the veterinary use of antibiotics. In Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Vol. 126 (pp. 1109-1113).



  • Janknegt, R., & Vulto, A. G. (1990). The veterinary use of antibiotics and public health. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 125(28), 708-710.

  • Belshaw, B. E., & Vulto, A. G. (1989). [Insulin: U40 and U100].. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd, 114(24), 1267. Retrieved from

  • Vulto, A. G., Sharp, T., Ungerstedt, U., & Versteeg, D. H. (1988). Rapid postmortem increase in extracellular dopamine in the rat brain as assessed by brain microdialysis.. J Neurochem, 51(3), 746-749. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.1988.tb01808.x

  • de Smet, P. A. G. M., & Vulto, A. G. (1988). Drugs used in non-orthodox medicine. Side Effects of Drugs Annual, 12(C), 402-415. doi: 10.1016/S0378-6080(88)80115-6

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  • Vulto, A. G., Westenberg, H. G., Meijer, L. B., & Versteeg, D. H. (1986). The dopamine metabolite 3-methoxytyramine is not a suitable indicator of dopamine release in the rat brain.. J Neurochem, 47(5), 1387-1393. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.1986.tb00769.x

  • Vulto, A. G., & Fowler, C. J. (1986). The effect of the dopamine agonist pergolide on tyrosine hydroxylase activity in rat striatal and limbic miniprisms in vitro: a model for the dopamine autoreceptor?. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol, 333(4), 349-353. doi: 10.1007/bf00500008

  • Buurma, H., & Vulto, A. G. (1986). Drugs used in non-orthodox medicine. Side Effects of Drugs Annual, 10(C), 433-436. doi: 10.1016/S0378-6080(86)80055-1

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  • Buurma, H., de Kaste, D., & Vulto, A. G. (1983). Drugs used in non-orthodox medicine. Side Effects of Drugs Annual, 7(C), 462-473. doi: 10.1016/S0378-6080(83)80055-5

  • Vulto, A. G., Versteeg, D. H. G., & Westenberg, H. G. M. (1982). Interaction of des-tyr-γ-endorphin with dopaminergic systems in the rat brain. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad - Scientific Edition, 4(5), 163.

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  • Buurma, H., Bodewitz, H. J. H. W., Vulto, A. G., & De Kaste, D. (1981). De beoordeling van nieuwe geneesmiddelen. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Scientific Edition, 3(1), 1121-1133. doi: 10.1007/BF02193336

  • Vulto, A. G. (1978). Properties of hypnotic drugs and the extent of their use in the Netherlands. Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en Andere Psychotrope Stoffen, 4(2), 65-77.