VuPEC is a pharmaceutical consultancy company founded by Professor Arnold Vulto

Vulto Pharma Education & Consultancy (VuPEC) is a small and dynamic consultancy company in the healthcare and pharmaceuticals industry. VuPEC was founded by Prof. Dr. Arnold G. Vulto, FCP. Professor Vulto is an internationally recognized expert on pharmacology, drug development, and biological medicines, especially biosimilars. VuPEC can help you address the challenges in the pharmaceutical industry through the application of Prof. Vulto's knowledge and expertise.

VuPEC is based in the Rotterdam-The Hague urban area of the Netherlands, and we work on projects all over the world.  We have extensive experience in Europe, the Middle-East, and Southeast-Asia. We can offer you services online, over the telephone, and on location.

To get an overview of the services which we can provide to you, please click here.

Our core values

In all our work we are guided by the following three key principles:

  • Science-driven. Improvements in the pharmaceutical industry are the results of scientific inquiry, whether it is in biology, chemistry, or economics. We work hard to stay up-to-date on the latest scientific research. We use science to separate fact from fiction. We have a wide scientific network into which we can tap to help your business.
  • Stakeholder value. The pharmaceutical industry works because of an interplay between various stakeholders. The only way to effect meaningful change is by creating incentives for each of them. In the long run, what is good for society is good for pharmaceutical companies, and what is good for pharmaceuticals is good for society.
  • Results-oriented. Our activities are aimed at creating lasting value for you, our client. We work together with you to deliver a high-impact message, whether it is to educate health care professionals, improve regulation, or increase the effectiveness of your team.

A short biography of Prof. Dr. Arnold G. Vulto, FCP

Current positions held by Professor Vulto (as of 1 November 2019):Arnold Vulto (hospital pharmacist n.p. and pharmacologist)

  • Hospital Pharmacist n.p. and Pharmacologist.
  • Honorary Professor of Hospital Pharmacy, Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  • Honorary Professor, Catholic University in Leuven, Department of Pharmaceuticial and Pharmacological Sciences, Leuven, Belgium.

Arnold G. Vulto (1952) obtained his pharmacy degree from Groningen University (the Netherlands) in 1981, with undergraduate studies in Cambridge (UK). He was trained as a pharmacologist at the Rudolf Magnus Institute (Utrecht, the Netherlands) and at the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden). He specialised in hospital pharmacy at the University Hospital Maastricht (the Netherlands), and obtained his PhD from the University of Utrecht (the Netherlands).

In 1988 Dr. Vulto was appointed Head of the Hospital Pharmacy of the Veterinary Faculty, University of Utrecht. In 1995 he became Deputy Head and Research Director of the Hospital Pharmacy of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam (the Netherlands). In 2004 he was appointed Professor of Hospital Pharmacy & Practical Therapeutics at this same university. In April 2018 Prof. Vulto retired as hospital pharmacist from his position at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, and was subsequently awarded an Honorary Professorship.

Professor Vulto is the (co)author of more than 150 international peer reviewed papers, and has supervised 45 hospital pharmacy residents and PhD students. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the EAHP, and was Chairman of its Scientific Committee (2004-2008). He was a member of the Steering Committee and chair of the Program Committee of the First Global Conference on the Future of Hospital Pharmacy (Basel, 2008).

During his career Prof. Vulto won various awards, most notably the 'Visionary guidance and leadership' award in hospital pharmacy (EAHP) and the Jan Glerum Lifetime Achievement Award (NVZA) for his contribution to the training of hospital pharmacists. In 2019 he was elected lifetime Honorary Member of the Dutch Society of Hospital Pharmacists. Professor Vulto served as Editor in Chief of the European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Practice for eight years (2004-2012).

Professor Vulto is one of the co-founders of the Generics & Biosimilars Initiative(GaBI; 2008) and the Initiative Group Biosimilars Netherlands (2013). In 2015 he initiated and chaired the First National Conference on Biosimilars in the Netherlands. In September 2017 he was appointed Honorary Professor at the Catholic University in Leuven (Belgium).

In April 2018 Prof. Vulto was knighted and bestowed the title of Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau by King Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands.

Currently Professor Vulto works as an independent expert consultant and CEO of Vulto Pharma Education & Consultancy (VuPEC). He is a frequently invited speaker at conferences all over the world.

If you are facing a challenge in the pharmaceutical industry, Arnold Vulto is eager to help you with his expertise and professional network. Please contact us for a free consultation to explore what VuPEC can do for you.